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Fantastic Feathers
A classic feather fan act.
Length: 5.22 minutes
Music: The del Reys - Pink pussycat
Boa Bump
A classic boa act
Lenght: 4.43 minutes
Music: Irvin mayfield - Saint james infirmary
This act is adaptebal to any jazzy sound or live music.

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Purple Haze
A dreamy electric act
Lengte: 4.06
Music: Oliver Koletski - Spiritual but not religious
Also available as a classic act, with purpe mermaid dress. Music: any jazzy song or live music.
CUMing Out
A sensitive and bold queer act
Length: 4.45
Music: Wende en S10 - niet bang zijn / Lion Storm - NO H8tro

Michael Potts

Michael Potts

Michael Potts

Michael Potts

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Night Nurse
A classic story telling act.
Stage version: 4.12 minutes
Music: Gregory Isaacs - Night nurse / Sam Taylor - Real gone
Audience engagement version: 3.50
Music: De vrolijke zusters - Ja zuster, Nee zuster / Sam Taylor - Real gone
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